Pests and vermin

Rodents, vermin and pests are nuisances at best; they can also be hazardous and raise health and safety concerns.
If you discover vermin on your property then you may contact the Council for advice – but the removal and/or extermination is the responsibility of the property owner.

The Council suggests that you use the services of a professional pest controller – this is the safest and most reliable way to control and eradicate rats and mice. If you are going to do the work yourself consider the health and safety of yourself, your family, your pets and your neighbours.

If you believe that vermin are originating from a neighbouring property as a result of accumulated rubbish, an overgrown section, or poor food storage at a food premises etc, contact the Council. Its staff will investigate and, if appropriate, talk to the property owner concerned.


The Council receives many calls about the control, removal or extermination of insects such as bees, fleas, flies, slaters, wasps and weta. If you have an infestation of insects you can contact the Council for advice, but, again, the removal and/or extermination is the responsibility of the property owner.

Unidentified insects

For assistance with identifying an insect visit or contact the Southland Museum. It has specialist staff and reference material to help you.