Roading Asset Management Plan

The Roading Asset Management Plan 2011 was adopted by the Invercargill City Council at its meeting on December 12, 2011.

The Invercargill City Council is responsible for the management of roading assets with a replacement cost of approximately $541 million. Through its documented Vision and the Spatial Plan, Council identified a need to develop long-term strategic financial plans for the effective management of these assets.

The required levels of service for asset categories were identified by linking Council’s Vision and Policies with current legislative requirements. Council also initiated a range of asset management considerations (such as community consultation, condition survey, data management, life cycle costing, project evaluation, works programming and asset performance monitoring etc) in the management of its asset categories.

To ease downloading the plan has been split into the following sections:

Section 1: Executive summary and activity overview
Section 2: The service we provide
Section 3: Demand for our services
Section 4: Potential significant negative effects on community well-being

Section 5: Asset profiles Section 6: Managing our activities
Pavements Pavements
Footpaths and cycleways Footpaths and cycleways
Kerbs and channels Kerbs and channels
Bridges, culverts, structures Bridges, culverts, structures
Street lighting Street lighting
Road signs, markings Road signs, markings
Traffic signals Traffic signals
Car parking Car parking
Road reserve amenities Road reserve amenities
Bus shelters Bus shelters
Street features Street features

Section 7: Risk management
Section 8: Financial summary
Section 9: Asset management practices
Section 10: Continuous improvement
Section 11: Glossary

Section 12: Appendices
A Guidelines for asset management plans
B Requirements of the Local Government Act 2002
C Maps
D Details life cycle asset management strategies
E Risk analysis
F dTIMS improvement programme
G Customer satisfaction survey

NOTE: Roading network analysis
The predictive modelling system dTIMS (Deighton Total Infrastructure Management System) is used to assist Invercargill City Council network maintenance budgeting and at a project level in the preparation of the forward works programme. View the latest analysis: dTIMS Report Review 20100