Finance and rates plans

Our consultation for the Long-term Plan 2021–2031 is now closed. This was formally adopted by Council on Wednesday 30 June 2021. To find out more about our strategy, key decisions and financial plans, please see: Long-term Plan 2021–2031.

Financial plans

Our plan for the next ten years is to maintain levels of service to support community social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing.  We will focus on building, renewing and maintaining critical infrastructure to maintain the levels of service you receive while managing the increasing impacts of climate change and preparing for changing requirements in the area of water quality.

We will plan for delivery of the major projects you want to see by seeking grants and dividends, partnerships and some increases in user pays, as well as implementing new project management processes.

We will fund the programme by increasing rates and increasing our borrowing to a manageable level.

For a summary of our plans see the consultation document.

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