Offensive Trades

Health premises and/or businesses such as Hairdressers, Barbers, Camping Grounds, Funeral Directors, Mortuaries, or Offensive Trades are required to obtain a certificate of registration under the Health (Registration of Premises) Regulations 1966 [] before operating.

All businesses that operate, trade, manufacture or undertake the following activities are regarded as operating an offensive trade:-

  • Blood or offal treating
  • Bone boiling or crushing
  • Collection and storage of used bottles for sale
  • Dag crushing
  • Fellmongering
  • Fish cleaning
  • Fish curing
  • Flax pulping
  • Flock manufacturing, or teasing of textile material for any purpose
  • Gut scraping and treating
  • Nightsoil collection and disposal
  • Refuse collection and disposal
  • Septic tank desludging and disposal of sludge
  • Slaughtering of animals for any purpose other than human consumption
  • Storage, drying or preserving of bones, hides, hooves or skins
  • Tallow melting
  • Tanning
  • Wood pulping
  • Wool scouring

These premises must be registered and inspected on an annual basis. Our EHOs base the inspection under the Health Act 1956 by ensuring that these activities and premises does not create nuisance and waste are disposed properly.

Before your business opens to the general public, it must be pre-inspected to ensure compliance with the said Act. Operator must also check with the other Council department as mentioned above especially with planning and trade waste team.  It is important that all businesses comply with any relative legislations which the Council can help to ensure that this happens.

It is important that the waste that comes from these commercial and industrial premises is processed appropriately. (This does not include domestic sewage and wastewater systems.)  It is also important that operators use good operating standards and practices, so that the quality and quantity of discharges into our waterways is controlled. These premises must also follow the Trade Waste Bylaw (refer to our Bylaws page).


Checklist for starting your business

All people and businesses who wants to do hairdressing, barber, camping ground, funeral homes and offensive trades, must hold a health licence granted by the Council. Licences are required to ensure that the equipment and spaces are appropriate and procedures and hygiene practices are in place.

Refer to this checklist to ensure you are meeting all of the requirements:

Step 1: Check with the health team and different council departments such as planning, building, trade waste and roading and/or parks (if applicable) to ensure compliance with the other legislative requirements.

Step 2: After checking with all relevant Council departments, think about how you would like to proceed by sorting out the procedures, equipment, spaces, staffs, finances and other to ensure you are ready to start and register your business.

Step 3: Register to get your health licence by filling out the online form and submitting.

Step 4: Once you have registered, a pre-inspection will be conducted by an Environmental Health Officer to ensure you have the appropriate procedure, equipment and spaces.

Step 5: If there are any issues, another site inspection may be conducted. If there are no issue, or if the issues have been completed, then you should now be free to operate.

You should now be fine after this and just let us know if there are any other changes in your operations, scopes or details by contacting us.


Infection Prevention and Control

It is the responsibility of the business owner, operators or managers to ensure all employees who works in a health premises have an understanding of how infections are spread, and how they can prevent the spread of infection by adopting and using the recommended standards. Staff and supervisors must be able to do their work in ways that ensure a business performs safe and hygienic procedures. Staff and supervisors must know about issues associated with infection control, cleaning and disinfection relevant to the business activities and the jobs they do.


General Standards for Premises

Health premises is recommended to –

  • have enough space for the equipment and the work that they do
  • have steps to prevent pests and other contaminants
  • have surfaces that are easily cleanable and impervious to water
  • have potable water system available
  • have appropriate waste management system for rubbish and waste water
  • have appropriate lighting and ventilation
  • ensure food preparation are appropriate
  • have a system for sharps waste (if applicable)
  • have adequate equipment which are appropriate to undertake the procedures carried out by the business


Business fixtures, fittings and equipment is recommended to be –

  • made of suitable material appropriate for the work of the business
  • suitable for the jobs they are used for
  • easy to clean and, if necessary, disinfect.



Registering your business

If you want to open or take over one of the businesses that was mentioned above, you should contact us to be registered and inspected. For more information, refer to Registering and changes to your business.


Changes to your business

You must notify the Environmental Health team about any changes in your business to ensure compliance with the legislations. This includes change of ownership, change of address, change of contact details, and change to the nature of the business.


My licence is about to expire, what do I do?

When your registration certificate (licence) is about to expire (around the end of August each year), a reminder will be send to you to renew your licence. It’s really important that you have a current registration certificate at all times, since it could result with a late fee may be charged or a cancellation of your licence, so contact us if you have not received a renewal letter from us yet by August.



An Environmental Health Officer will inspect any premises with health licences and sites that causes nuisance. This is annually being conducted to ensure all premises are following the required legislation with fees included with the registration.


Licence and Certificate

All licence issued must always be displayed in a prominent area of the premises for the public to see.


Failure to comply with the Health Act 1956 and it’s regulations

A person commits an offence under the said Act and Regulations if they breach or fails to comply with any of the following:

  • to get in contact with us about any changes,
  • not complying with a requirement, standard, order,
  • obstruction of inspection,
  • not paying fees,
  • or not being registered

These failures or breaches are offences which a person may be liable on conviction to a fine.

Refer to the Health Act 1956 [] for more details.



Please get in touch if you have any concerns or feedback about our service.   

Our environmental health team also investigate a range of matters relating to public health, including:

  • Unregistered premises,
  • industrial noise – businesses that causes noise contravenes the District Plan.
  • concerns about any premises, business or activities that was mentioned in this page.
  • complaints relating to health nuisance, i.e. pests related to the said premises, cleanliness or a premises, no ablutions, etc. 

Some complaints that relates to smell, fumes, smoke or odour will go to Environment Southland

Illnesses may need to go to Public Health South. For serious concerns, please call the emergency services.

For more information, refer to Environmental Health Complaints.


Fees and Charges

Fees are charged for new and renewal of registration applications which must be paid before a current registration certificate will be issued.

Registration renewals happen every August annually and each will include an inspection. These will be invoiced automatically at the appropriate time.

Additional fees may be charged at any stage including revisits, complaints and how long these problems or ongoing matters of concern are addressed.

For a full list refer to Environmental Health on the Fees and Charges page.


Need help?

If you have any question, issue or concern, please do not hesitate to ask us. Contact the Environmental Health team on: