
If you intend to busk or solicit for street entertainment in public places in the Invercargill City area, here are a few simple rules for you to follow.

  1. Obtain permission from Invercargill City Council.

You will be asked to provide details of your proposed sites and activity; also your name, contact details and a copy of identification e.g. drivers licence, passport. No licence fee is charged.

  1. Seek the permission of the shops and businesses where you intend to entertain.

This is a matter of both courtesy and common sense – most complaints about buskers are from businesses that feel they are adversely affected by noise, blocking window displays or congestion of their entrance-way. Similarly, prolonged playing in any one area can lead to complaints; you might like to try various sites or a series of sites in rotation.

  1. Be considerate!

Remember that public places are for everyone. You must not create nuisance by way of:

  • Noise – loudspeakers or amplifiers require special permission, strict conditions may apply
  • Obstruction of footpath or pedestrian areas – avoid shop entrances and always allow at least two metres space on all footpaths
  • Distribution, exposure or sale of offensive or obscene material
  • Odour or smell
  • Litter

Buskers should, at all times, be capable of moving immediately at any time upon the request of the Council, its authorised Officers or other law enforcement officers.

For further information and to apply, go to our Permit Applications page.