What is a Land Information Memorandum (LIM)?

A Land Information Memorandum is a Council report, which summarises all the recorded information relating to a property and any buildings on it.

A LIM is usually sought by prospective or current property owners considering selling or buying property, and/or developers, or consultants planning property projects.

LIMs are issued in accordance with Section 44a of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.  The Act requires issue of LIMs to be within 10 working days of request.  Some information included in a LIM is mandatory, and some is discretionary.


What can I expect in an ICC LIM document?

Property Information – including an aerial map of the property, and other property information including any rates owing.

Special Features and Characteristics – district plan information, resource consents and planning matters, zoning, information about the land, heritage information, significant features, SLUS or HAIL contamination if known, transport and site information.  Planning information maps for the property are provided including district plan zoning of the property, liquefaction, and amplification maps.  By 1/7/2025 a natural hazard section will be set out as part of the LIM document.

Works and Services – the Council services that are available to the property and vehicle crossing information.  An aerial map is provided showing services.

Building – building consents and permits and their statuses, notices, orders, or requisitions. For all properties we include drainage and sewerage plans or any drain in common plans on file, any notified Schedule 1 exempt building work on file, any schedule 1 (exemption 2 building works) that have applied for an exemption with Council.  Building Compliance schedule and Building Warrant of Fitness details where applicable, building matter actions required, swimming pool and spa pool barrier licensing information, and any other information Council considers relevant.

Note: Schedule 1 of the Building Act 2004 is a list of building work that does not require a building consent.  MBIE’s guidance document: Building work that does not require a building consent

It is important to note Schedule 1 (exemption 2) – is similar in name to ‘Schedule 1’, but very different in meaning, requirements, and legal standing.  Schedule 1 (exemption 2), provides an applicant with an opportunity to seek an exemption, when a building consent might otherwise be required. Applicants must apply to Council and seek approval for this exemption type.

Environment – environmental health and licensing, any other notices, issues or actions required, and alcohol licensing information.

Other information – including airshed, refuse and recycling, explanatory notes and disclaimers.


What’s not in a LIM?

Invercargill City Council can only provide information in its records.

Information about building work carried out without a permit or consent, even if a consent is required (unless known to Council and file notice or action documented).

Information about building work not requiring a permit or consent (unless lodged as a record with Council under Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 of the Building Act 2004).

Record of title is not included.  These can be obtained by visiting Land Information New Zealand online.

Electrical or other non-Council services information (these are not Council services).

Note: If you require access to all documents and plans held on file, we recommend you request the property file.  To request the property file – please email: with the address you require, your contact name, number and email address.


Time frames:

All LIMs are produced within 10 working days.  Currently no fast-track service is available.

17/3/2025 – update: Currently our lead times are stretching beyond the 10 working days (please allow 15 working days).  We are working hard to issue LIMS as quickly as possible, and address the issues to bring the timeline back to 10 working days.  Increased demand, resourcing and other unforeseen circumstances are currently putting pressure on the team processing LIM applications.


How to order a LIM application:

 Online: ePathway Home (

Emailing us the completed LIM application form:

Applying with the editable downloaded LIM application form:  Application for (

Emailing your application form to

In person:

Visit Customer Services at Te Hīnaki – Civic Building, 101 Esk Street, Invercargill.

Please note:

Lodged LIMs are non-refundable.  Please ensure you have selected the correct current property address.  If you aren’t sure what the category is or the exact property address please contact the Property Records Team on 03 2111 777 and ask for the Property Records Team.

All lodged applications received after 12noon will have their statutory clocks commence processing the following business day.


What is the cost of applying for a LIM from ICC?

AP-Fees-and-charges-2024-25-Building-Control-1.pdf (

What if I want to cancel the LIM request?

You can cancel a LIM at any time, however its important to note that lodged LIMs with us are non-refundable.  You can email us at if you wish to cancel your LIM application.


Property Files

Information that may be on a property file:

  • Historic building or planning applications and permits
  • Resource consent decisions and scheme plans
  • Completed building consent documents
  • Site plans, drainage plans, floor plans where available
  • Scanned image of the original property file cover
  • Associated ICC property related documents

A property inquiry sheet is supplied with a property file which lists consents against the property.

How to request a property file:

Email with your name, contact phone number, email address, and the address of the property you are after.  If you are after a particular item or document please advise this in your request.  You can also call 03 2111777 to request the property file.

Invercargill City Council’s property files are mainly provided digitally.  Some files are still paper, and we will be in touch with you when this is the case.

Property files that are digital are emailed via a link within 5 working days, however at peak demand times this may take longer – especially if a file is large or complex.

If the file is a paper property file this will be recalled from our archive, and we will be in touch to book a day and time to view the file once this is available.  Physical files can take a couple of working days to be recalled and prepared for viewing.  Physical files can only be viewed by appointment at Te Hinaki, 101 Esk Street, Invercargill.


Urgently required drainage plans:

If you urgently need a drainage plan for a private drainage issue, please let us know.  We will try to get this to you as soon as possible (drainage plan/s only).  Contact Council with your request, advising it is for an urgent drainage matter.


Important notes:

  • A property file request is not a LIM report, and when considering purchasing a property Council recommends you do your due diligence. For example, ordering a LIM and requesting a property file would be considered part of due diligence prior to purchase.
  • Open consents are not included as part of a property file request. We recommend contacting the relevant department if you have questions about any open consents.
  • Confidential information is not available in a property file request. Previous LIM documents are not supplied.
  • Some properties do not have floor plans available, Council can only supply what is on file. If there is no floor plan and you are wanting floor plans for prospective building work, we recommend you contact a suitably qualified person to assist you, for example an architect or draftsperson.
  • Council boundaries have changed over time, and some properties originally were under Southland County Council. We will supply what we have on file, if documents are available in these instances.
  • Council holds no original plans for Housing NZ dwellings built before 1993.
  • Vacant land will likely not have consent information available, as typically no applications have been lodged against the property address.

Helpful links and ICC department contact details: