Archives Collections

The Invercargill City Council Archives Collections are housed at the Invercargill Public Library. Opened in 2008, the Archives is home to records from the Invercargill City Council, the Southland community, and Public Offices such as the Southland Education Board. The Archives also provides access to the Southland Oral History Project collection.

Archives are primary source records such as minute books, letters, photographs, diaries, and maps. Our collecting scope includes records from local government as well as Southland businesses, sporting and cultural groups, families, and schools.


Accessing the Archives

From time to time our Archives staff are out of the office so we strongly recommend that you contact them in advance to ensure they are available to assist upon your arrival.

You can search some of our collections and view digitised material through our online catalogue: ArchivesSpace. Contact us if you would like to view or listen to any material, or are unable to find what you are after.


Donating your records to the Archives

All offers of donation are welcomed and will be assessed in relation to our collecting scope. More information about our collecting scope and the donation process can be found on the Library website: Archives Collections.


Research Services

Archives staff are able to assist you free of charge when visiting our Archives Research Room in the Library building.

If unable to visit us in person we are able to provide remote research services for 30 minutes free, followed by $28 per half hour. Please contact us for further details and payment options.


Southland Oral History Project

Please see the Southland Oral History Project webpage for more information about the project and how to access the interviews: Oral History


Contact the Archives

Phone: 03 211 1573
Physical address: 50 Dee Street, Invercargill 9810
Postal address: Private Bag 90111, Invercargill 9840
Website: Archives Collections