The Housing Care Service provides adequate, affordable housing for New Zealand citizens who meet Council’s entry criteria. The Council owns 21 complexes providing housing units for seniors in Invercargill and Bluff. The Housing Care Service has always been self-funding, with income derived solely from rents: there is no draw on rates
The Service provides comfortable and affordable accommodation for elderly people 65 years and over who need help with housing and are eligible.

The units are clustered in villages and offer a pleasant environment in which residents can socialise if they choose.
All units are easily accessible and insulated, and all have electric ranges, washing machines, floor coverings, light fittings, electric heating and bathroom heaters. Tenants need only supply a fridge and furniture before moving in.
Many residents enjoy the independence that the units provide at an affordable cost.
A number of the complexes have fibre to the units which means tenants can take up fast broadband internet access if they wish.
To get a copy of the Elderly Persons Housing Policy you can download and print it here, collect it from Reception at the Te Hinaki – Civic Administration Building or have it sent out by calling (03) 211 1777 or 0800 422 435.
For more information about any aspect of Elderly Persons Housing Policy contact the Council’s Housing Officer (03) 211 1777 or 0800 422 435.