The Invercargill City Council resolved last night (24 February 2015) to donate to the Southland Outdoor Stadium Trust (the current owner of Rugby Park) the sum of $400,000 conditional on:
- SOST using the donation to repay the Community Trust of Southland loan in full and final settlement
- The Invercargill Licensing Trust making a donation to repay the Pacific Dawn Limited loan in full
- SOST transferring the Stadium ownership to the Invercargill City Council or its nominee
- The Council selling by licence the rights to half of the corporate boxes to Rugby Southland for a term sufficient to extinguish the current debt owed by Southland Outdoor Stadium Trust to Rugby Southland
- Rugby Southland entering into a lease arrangement with the Council for use of the Administration offices at the Stadium at a yearly rental of $35,000 per annum
- The existing management agreement involving Rugby Southland and the Stadium be extinguished.
The vote was 5-4. Two Councillors declared conflicts of interest and did not vote, and illness prevented two other Councillors from attending the meeting.