The Council has received a resource consent application from the Invercargill Licensing Trust to erect a new hotel on the corner of Don and Dee Streets.
One element of the application is to demolish a Class 2 heritage building (the former T & G building), along with other buildings which do not have a heritage classification. The T & G building is protected by the Invercargill City District Plan, but is not on Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga’s protection list.

Another element of the application is to construct and operate a new, eight-level hotel which will incorporate 80 hotel suites, a restaurant, café, bars, function spaces, car parking, and other guest facilities.
The application has been fully notified under the Resource Management Act 1991. Full notification means that anyone may make a submission, for or against the proposal. Submissions can be made using the fillable form (see below). Submissions need to be lodged with the Council by Thursday, 13 September 2018 at the latest, and you must serve a copy of your submission on the ILT via the details provided in the application. If you indicate on your submission that you wish to be heard, you will be asked if you would like to make an oral submission at a hearing later this year.
Visit this page for all the details