Heritage Funding

There are several funding opportunities currently available for owners of heritage buildings, including owners of heritage buildings which are earthquake-prone.


Important Dates

Next round closes 5 April 2024.


ICC Funding

ICC Heritage Fund Allocation 2019/2020
ICC Heritage Fund Allocation 2020/2021
ICC Heritage Fund Allocation 2021/2022

ICC Heritage Fund Allocation 2022/2023

City Centre Built Heritage Fund

Provides funding to owners of select heritage buildings, including:
a) owners of heritage buildings located within the City Centre Heritage Area for façade enhancements (cleaning, repainting, and verandah repairs); and
b) owners of priority heritage resources (as identified in the 2019 City Centre Heritage Strategy) for maintenance, protection, conservation and adaptive re-use projects.

Application – City Centre Built Heritage Fund  

City Centre Seismic Strengthening Fund

Provides funding to owners of recognised heritage buildings (either Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Category 1 or 2 or Locally Significant with our District Plan) located within the City Centre Heritage Area.

Application – City Centre Seismic Strengthening Fund – Professional Advice
Application – City Centre Seismic Strengthening Fund – Strengthening Works


City Centre Repainting Fund

Provides funding to owners of recognised heritage buildings located in the City Centre Heritage Area for painting and associated works.

Guidelines – City Centre Repainting Fund
Application City Centre Repainting Fund (print and post) or
Application  City Centre Repainting Fund (email as an attachment)


Funding From Other Organisations

National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund (Heritage NZ)

Provides funding for conservation and preservation of privately-owned Heritage New Zealand Category 1 and 2 buildings.

Lottery Environment and Heritage Grants

Provides funding to non-profit organizations (no private owners) for plans, reports and one-off projects that will protect, conserve and promote New Zealand’s heritage.

Southland Heritage and Building Preservation Trust

Provides funding via loans to owners of local Heritage New Zealand Category 1 and 2 buildings, as well as those identified as ‘Locally Significant’ on our District Plan.

Community Trust of Southland

Provides funding to Southland non-profit organizations (no private owners) for projects that support Heritage New Zealand Category 1 buildings.

P.H. Vickery Trust

Provides funding to both private building owners and non-profit organizations for projects that support and benefit elderly people living in Southland.

ILT Foundation

Provides funding to local non-profit organizations (no private owners) for cultural purposes that benefit the community.


Heritage Funding

There are several funding opportunities currently available for owners of heritage buildings.

Visit Page

City Centre Heritage Area

Within the City Centre Heritage Area there are over 80 buildings with recognized heritage value. 

Visit Page

Owning a Heritage Building

Resource Consenting for Heritage Buildings There are two types of resource consents – land use and/or subdivision. The majority of heritage building work will require a land use consent. If you own a recognised heritage building, either Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (HNZPT) Category 1 or 2, or a building identified as Locally Significant within […]

Visit Page

Heritage Colour Palette

A very limited palette of colours was available when our heritage buildings were constructed.

Visit Page