Invercargill City Council adopts 2024-2034 Long-term Plan

The Invercargill City Council’s 2024-2034 Long-term Plan was formerly adopted by Councillors today (27 June 2024).

Following feedback from the community regarding the rising cost of living, Councillors approved an average rate increase of 9.88% for the 2024/2025 year.

Councillors also approved a provision of $7.7 million of rates funded borrowing to replace Elderly Persons’ Housing units faster, a $100,000 per year investment in emission reduction activities and the conclusion of the Low Mow pilot, which is set to end on 30 June 2024.

An increase to the Heritage Strategy Fund to a total of $200,000 and a total fund of $565,000 for Community Wellbeing was also approved for the 2024/2025 year.

Acting Mayor Tom Campbell thanked the public for their feedback on the Long-term Plan during the consultation period in March and hearings in April.

“We received more than 450 submissions to our Long-term Plan consultation, many of whom spoke directly to Councillors at the hearings. It’s great to see that the community is actively participating in this important process.

“The role of Council is to advocate for ratepayers, so for the elected members to hear directly from the public on a range of key areas of is crucial to ensure we are moving in the right direction,” she said.

The Long-term Plan includes Council’s key strategy documents, which outline how the city’s roading, water supply, sewerage and stormwater infrastructure will be managed and maintained now and into the future.

“Council has an ambitious capital programme to deliver over the next 30 years, with the build of Te Unua – Museum of Southland being one of our most significant projects. We’ll be looking at various ways to fund these key activities, not just through rates increases but also by working alongside Government agencies and other funding sources to ensure any potential impact on ratepayers is lessened,” Acting Mayor Campbell said.

A copy of the Long-term Plan is available on the Council’s website: Long-term Plan 2024 – 2034 | Invercargill City Council (

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