The Consultation Document for the Long-Term Plan (LTP) sets out the Council’s vision and examines the projects and services it will deliver for the next 10 years. Submissions on the document close on Monday, May 25.
Remember to let us know if you wish to speak to the Mayor and Councillors about your submission (hearings will be on 28 May and 29 May 2015).
- LTP 2015-2025 Consultation Document
- LTP 2015-2025 Submission Form
- Supporting documents
Policy and Strategy Manager Melissa Short said key elements people needed to be aware of in the Consultation Document included a projected rates increase of 3.71% for 2015/2016.

“The main focus of the LTP is on infrastructure renewal (eg water supply pipes),” she said. “We are also asking for feedback on the expansion of Splash Palace, the changing use of open spaces, playgrounds and reserves; Fees and Charges; and the Revenue and Financing Policy,” Mrs Short said.
The document, submission form and supporting documents are available on the website’s Consultation page;
a video discussing the document is available on the ICC TV video clip service. Paper copies are available at the Bluff Service Centre, Invercargill Public Library and the Civic Administration Building in Esk Street.
Mrs Short said in mid-May copies of the document and a submission form would be be sent through The Southland Express to every household in Invercargill and Bluff.
“You can make a submission on the Consultation Document or the supporting strategies and plans by using the submission form contained within the Consultation Document,” Mrs Short said. “If you have a different option for any of the issues that you think the Council should consider, please tell us.”
NOTE: See the LTP section on the Consultation page for details about the consultation caravan dates
Submission forms can be:
- Delivered to the Civic Administration Building, 101 Esk Street, Invercargill
- Emailed to
- Posted Submission LTP, Invercargill City Council, Private Bag 90104, Invercargill 9840.
Online survey
Please note the online survey is now closed.
If you would like to take part in an online survey related to the Long-Term Plan click this link:
NOTE: the survey is NOT a formal submission but the feedback will help the Council to gauge public opinion. You may like to refer to this consultation document.