Saniya’s dedication to safer communities recognised

Invercargill City Council’s Community Development Officer, Saniya Thompson, has been recognised for her commitment to helping Southland create safer communities. While attending the Safe Communities National Hui in Wellington earlier this week, Saniya was announced as a Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand (SCFNZ) Safe Community Award winner, “in recognition of the outstanding leadership and support […]

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Cemetery tours a success

By Ricky Mulqueen Cemetery Team Leader On Sunday the Bluff History Group led a tour of Old Bluff Cemetery as part of our Cemeteries and Crematoria Week events. About 100 people turned up and were divided into two groups, with local historian Jan Mitchell and Bluff Maritime Museum Curator Trish Birch taking the tours. We […]

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Feedback on Council’s LGOIMA practices called for

The Chief Ombudsman recently commenced a self-initiated investigation into the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) policies and practices within our Council. As part of this, Council staff have been asked to complete a survey regarding internal practices. The Ombudsman also wants to hear from the public about their experiences with ICC […]

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Christmas in the CBD is coming!

Invercargill’s City Centre will be a hive of Christmas activity on Saturday 7th of December 2019 when Esk Street is closed to traffic and hosts the City Centre Christmas Festival and Market from 10am to 1:30pm. We are currently seeking expressions of interest for stallholders and food trucks for the event. You can register HERE. […]

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Waihopai named most improving river

The Waihopai River was awarded the Supreme Award for Most Improved River at the New Zealand River Awards 2019 in Wellington last night. Environment Southland chairman Nicol Horrell said a lot of work was being done in this river catchment, but also across Southland to improve our waterways. “I’m extremely proud to receive this award […]

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Proposed local alcohol policy

By Michael Morris Acting Manager – Environmental Health On Monday 4 November 2019 ICC, together with the Southland District Council, will publicly notify the new Proposed Local Alcohol Policy (LAP). This is a joint Policy from both councils setting our rules and guidelines for alcohol related activities.  It covers matters such as engagement between Sensitive […]

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