Appeal a parking ticket

🅿️ Are you eligible for a parking ticket refund?

📣 If you received and paid an infringement for failing to activate the parking meter in a metered space between 1 July 2022 and 29 February 2024 you are eligible for a refund.  Click here to learn more.

You have 56 days from the time you receive a parking ticket to submit an appeal.

If you explain the circumstances in writing they will be considered by the Enforcement Committee. They will advise you of the outcome in writing.

To appeal a parking ticket we must receive your request in writing. Please provide the parking ticket number and/or the registration number of the vehicle, explain the circumstances and provide any supporting documentation. Your appeal must contain your full name, date of birth and residential address.

  • Details must be those of the person driving the vehicle at the time the notice was issued

  • Max. file size: 100 MB.

Alternatively, you can submit your appeal:

By email:

By post:

Invercargill City Council
Private Bag 90104

In person:

You will be required to complete a form at the help desk

Invercargill City Council
101 Esk Street

We will endeavour to respond to you within 14 days.

You can also request a hearing in relation to the ticket.  If we decide to proceed to a hearing we will contact you and we will arrange it with the Court.


Please note

If you receive a parking ticket and it remains unpaid, it is lodged with the Ministry of Justice and a Court cost (which is currently $30) is added to the parking ticket fee. If the fee remains unpaid and the Court is required to take action further Court costs are added.

