Environmental Reserve Management Plan
Location and Access
Red Tussock Reserve is located on the eastern edge of Invercargill, adjacent to Rockdale Road. It is south of the Otepuni Creek and the Southland Crematorium.
The Reserve is surrounded to the east and south by farmland and to the west by Rockdale Road, industrial sections and residential housing.
The Reserve is almost surrounded by a flood bank that lies to the north, east and some distance south of the Reserve, separating it from the Otepuni and its floodwaters. This forms a physical boundary to the Reserve. Rockdale Road forms the remaining boundary.
There is currently no formed public access into Red Tussock Reserve. However, unformed pedestrian access can be gained through a gate off Rockdale Road.
Amenity Value
As this remnant of red tussock (Chionochloa rubra) is the only one of its kind in the Invercargill City area, Red Tussock Reserve offers the Invercargill community an important botanical reserve.
Recreational Use
This is a relatively small reserve and is therefore susceptible to human influences such as trampling and the introduction of exotic species.
Red Tussock Reserve currently provides minimal recreational opportunities in order to control these human influences. The primary purpose is to protect the Reserve’s scenic and conservation values for future generations.
An unformed walkway from the gate off Rockdale Road provides a short walk along the flood bank. The flood bank provides views over the Reserve.