Planning – Resource Management

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The Planning and Resource Management Division carries out the Council’s functions and responsibilities as prescribed in the Resource Management Act 1991. This includes the development and administration of the District Plan, processing resource consents, and undertaking environmental education initiatives. Other responsibilities include the management of the contract for valuation services.

Applying for a resource consent online

You can lodge a resource consent online – see the instructions below – or by emailing

If you have a planning related question, email Alternatively, we will be available between 9am-1pm Monday to Friday to receive calls on 2111777 or answer enquiries in the CAB. Please contact us if you are wanting a pre-application meeting so we can organise this in advance.

  1. All completed applications received after noon will be lodged on the following working day. The statutory timeframe (processing of consents) will not start until payment of the invoice is made.
  2. No invoice will be generated from this online process unless you are a registered user.
  3. Click the link to start an online resource consent application.

If you plan to apply for a change of conditions to a resource consent this cannot be done online.  Contact our Planning Team Administrator: phone  03 211 1777 .


Planning and resource management topics frequently raised by the public:

Aerial images

The Council’s GIS computer system has aerial images of properties within the district. These images are not site plans but provide a view of the property and any amenities eg drainage and dwellings. Aerial images and customised maps are available; pricing varies depending on the work involved.

Demolition or removal of building and structures.

You require a Resource Consent for the demolition or removal if the building exceeds 80m2 in the Res 1, Res 1A, Res 2 Res 3 and the Otatara zones and 120m2 in all other zones (except the Smelter Zone )

NOTE: Separate rules apply for the demolition of Heritage Buildings and structures  as set out under Rule 3.8 of the Proposed  Invercargill City District Plan.

Lodgement forms

District Plan

The District Plan (available here) contains rules about what activities can occur on a site, dependant on its location. For example, in a residential area there are rules controlling the height of buildings in relation to boundaries, site coverage, outdoor living space and car parking.

Flood areas

The Council has hazard maps and supporting information which identify areas in the district which are subject to riverine inundation, stormwater flooding and sea level rise. For more information contact the Council or refer to the District Plan hazard maps.


It is important that you get a LIM (a report by the Council noting all the information that is available on file for a particular section of land) or view the property file to establish what information the Council has about your property. This is particularly important before purchasing or developing a property. Visit the LIMs page for more information.


Population statistics

The Statistics New Zealand website has population data for Invercargill, Bluff and Southland.

Property Boundaries

You can identify your property’s boundaries in several ways. The easiest method is to look for boundary pegs. If you are unable to locate the pegs then you can employ a surveyor or obtain a Certificate of Title. You can also view an aerial image of your property online at this website; the image indicates approximately where the boundaries are.

Property files

The Council holds a file for every property within the district. The files, which contain information relating to drainage, sewage, dwellings, alterations, consents etc, may be inspected at the Council’s Invercargill and Bluff offices.

Property Numbers

Street numbers and rapid numbers are allocated by the Council.


Subdivision requires Council’s approval, usually in the form of a resource consent. It is recommended that you contact a registered surveyor if you intend to subdivide your land: the surveyor will be able to help you through the subdivision process and guide you through any subsequent land use issues.


Developing wetlands on farmland etc: refer to the Wetlands of Southland booklet which is available from the Council.

NOTE: More information is available at the Environment Southland website.

Planning guides and forms

Planning guides and forms resource management are available here.

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Public Notices – Resource Consents

Resource Consent Publicly Notified – 30 Wallacetown Lorneville Highway  Submissions Close: Monday 17 February 2025 PA and JM Murray Trust has applied to the Invercargill City Council for a resource consent to establish and operate a farm machinery sales and service business. The site is zoned Rural and is subject to a High Value Soils overlay […]

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District Plan

Click here to learn more about our 2019 District Plan

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