It’s new, it’s better and it’s easier to operate. That’s the view of customers using the new recycling centre on Mersey Street.
Hamish McMurdo, General Manager Southland Disability Enterprises said the drop off centre is safer and more efficient.
‘We opened on 30 November and already people can see the difference with a new roading configuration to assist with traffic flow. The old recycling area used large bins. Now we have slots in the wall which are big enough for the average household recycling,’ he said.
‘ If people have larger one-off items, they can come to reception and we can sort it out,’ he added.
The slots are positioned in the wall at a height that will encourage people to be selective about what goes into them. ‘ It won’t suit everyone but we are trying to cater for the public as much as possible.’
‘The main reason for using slots is we were getting a lot of business filling up the bins which is for residential users,’ he said. ‘A separate glass slot is located further down the road which will prevent glass contamination.’
Mr McMurdo said the same guidelines applied for dropping off recycling as for yellow bins. Cardboard needed to be flattened and food containers cleaned.
The opening hours are the same as the transfer station 8am – 530pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 530pm Sunday.