
📅 Instalment 3 rate payments are due Friday 28 February 2025
Click here for more information on options for paying your rates

Rates online – getting started

Login / Register

Grab your latest rates invoice with your assessment number and unique ID and head here to sign up. You can find your assessment number and unique ID on the front page of your rates invoice.

Your unique ID is personalised to you as the owner of your property and is not to be shared with anyone else.

Please note: Only use the assessment number between “LRA” and “/”. For example, if the assessment number is “LRA 12345/6”. please only use “12345” in your search and registration form.

Once registered you’ll receive your rates invoice directly into your inbox each quarter, as well as having access to an online portal with copies of your rates invoices from July 2022.


Rates info

Rates are levied as a tax on all property in compliance with the statutory provisions of the Local Government Act 2002.

Rates are calculated on a combination of capital value charges and targeted rates based on services available. 

The amount of rates required is set when the Council determines its budget. Rates provide the funding required to complete the Council’s work (outlined in the Council’s Annual Plan and Long-term Plan) including the day-to-day Council operations and specific projects, such as cemeteries, community boards, drainage, economic development, parks and reserves, refuse collection roading, sewage treatment, street lighting, swimming pools, water etc.

We set rates on 1 July each year and these apply until the end of the following June. We set your rates for the whole year, so any changes to your property (such as demolition or new building) won’t affect your rates until the following 1 July.

The first instalment invoice will include an assessment, showing the full amount payable over the whole year.


Rating year

The rating year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 and is divided into four equal instalments. With your first invoice for the year, you will receive a Rates Assessment Notice. This notice shows the total amount of rates you will pay for the entire rating year. Throughout the year, you will receive four rates invoices – one every three months. You can expect to receive your rates invoices about one month before the due date and this MUST be paid in full and on time.


Rates dates

Deadlines for quarterly payments:

Instalment 1 – Friday 30 August 2024
Instalment 2 – Friday 29 November 2024
Instalment 3 – Friday 28 February 2025
Instalment 4 – Friday 30 May 2025


Other rates

In addition to the rates charged by Invercargill City Council, Environment Southland also rates properties in the Invercargill District. Property owners will receive separate, independent rates notices and invoices from the two councils. Check the Environment Southland website for information about its rates.


Rating Information Database

The Rating Information Database (RID) records all information for the setting and assessing of property rates and enables members of the public to have reasonable access to this information.
You have a right to inspect and, on certain grounds, object to our rating database and rates records.

The RID information cannot be given out verbally over the phone. Requests for information can be emailed to service@icc.govt.nz or by mail to Private Bag 90104 Invercargill.

The purpose of the public RID is to assist people who need to make contact with property owners for legitimate reasons, such as resource consent applications. Personal details will not be made available to any person for bulk data collection or direct marketing purposes and requests are therefore limited to three separate properties per request.


Withholding information (RID)

Owners’ names and postal addresses are included on the Rating Information Database. If an owner wishes their name, or postal address, or both to be withheld from the database, a written application, pursuant to Section 28C(2)(a) of the Act, must be made to Council.

Where the owner’s name and/or address information has been withheld in terms of Section 28 (c) of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, you can provide a written request stating the reasons why you need the information. The Council will forward the request to the property owner on your behalf.


Have a mail redirection with NZPost?

Invercargill City Council sends out rate invoices via DX Mail. If you currently have a mail redirection setup through NZPost, future rate invoices will not be redirected. 
We recommend:
a) set up a redirection with DX Mail here.
b) sign up to receive your rates online https://icc.govt.nz/rates/rates-by-email/
c) if you need to update your postal address with us please email customer.service@icc.govt.nz or call us on 03 211 1777 


Updating property details on QV

You can submit updated details for your property shown on the QV website.

  1. Search for your property using the Property Search on QV: Property Search (QV.co.nz)
  2. Under ‘Valuation Details’, click ‘Update Property Details’.
  3. Update your desired fields. You can also add plans and photos. When you are ready click submit.
  4. QV will review your submitted amendments and update them if accepted.

Rates search

How to search for property details

Visit Page

Rates Remission

Rates remission: Community organisations Rates remissions may be available to properties owned and used by not-for-profit community or sports organisations that, in the Council’s opinion, provide a significant public good by their use of the land. The remission provides rates relief to community-based organisations (including some that also qualify for non-rateable status) to support the […]

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Rates rebates

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Rating Valuations

All your valuation questions answered here.

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