Roundabouts close to completion

The Marama Ave roundabout

The roads around the new Marama Roundabout have reopened. 30km/h speed limits are still in place until the contractors have completed all the minor works including top soiling and installing non regulatory road marking.

This is planned to be completed by the end of next week. Work on the Rockdale Road, Tweed Street, and Oteramika

Road intersection roundabout is on time and is expected to be completed before Easter.

Project Technician – Capital Projects Dambar Yadav says they have poured the kerb and channel on three sides at the intersection, with the last section being poured on Wednesday 11 March.

“We have created a temporary roundabout for now using cones for the public to get the feel of roundabout” Mr Yadav said.

The Rockdale Road, Tweed Street and Oteramika Road roundabout