Invercargill City Council’s Community Development Officer, Saniya Thompson, has been recognised for her commitment to helping Southland create safer communities.
While attending the Safe Communities National Hui in Wellington earlier this week, Saniya was announced as a Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand (SCFNZ) Safe Community Award winner, “in recognition of the outstanding leadership and support for Safe Communities at the regional/local level”.
SCFNZ annually provides awards to recognise the contribution and leadership shown by individuals who are committed to furthering the objectives and goals of the organisation and the Safe Community movement within NZ.
Saniya’s role as Safe in the South Coordinator involves working with committed organisations within the region to promote safety.
This has resulted in Southland being accredited as an International Safe Community, which the World Health Organisation recommends as an effective approach for community injury/violence prevention.
ICC, Southland and Gore District Councils, ACC, NZ Police, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, Oranga Tamariki, the Chamber of Commerce, Iwi, and Emergency Management Southland have all committed to the Safe in the South Programme.