Background Documents

This page contains the original plan change application including technical reports.

  1. Plan change application
  2. Amendments to ICDP Provisions
  3. Outline Development Plan
  4. Baxter Design – Urban Design Report
  5. Cultural Impact Assessment
  6. Bonisch – Service Assessment
  7. E3 Scientific Combined PSI-DSI Report
  8. Geosolve Geotechnical Assesssment
  9. Bonisch Integrated Transport Assessment
  10. Spatial Map Print
  11. Landonline – SL6A-665
  12. Landonline – SL12A-574
  13. Landonline – SL12A-575
  14. Relevant ICDP Provisions
  15. ICC Hazard Map 11
  16. ICC Planning Map 11
  17. ICC Hazard Map 18
  18. ICC Planning Map18
  19. RPS Provisions
  20. Community Meeting