Time to register canine friends

Dog registration for Invercargill and Bluff residents is open now, giving dog owners over a month in which to register their four-legged friends.

The final date to pay registration without penalty is Thursday, 1 August 2024.

Dog owners can register their dog and pay online at www.icc.govt.nz, or by visiting Te Hīnaki – Civic Building in Invercargill or the Bluff Service Centre.

Council Environmental Services Manager Gillian Cavanagh said it was important dog owners paid their registration on time to avoid having to pay a 25% penalty, which would be applied from 2 August.

Once registered, owners would then be supplied with a blue registration tag for the 2024/2025 year.

Any dog owners who believed they would have difficulty paying on time, were encouraged to contact the Council’s Animal Services Team as soon as possible.

“Please don’t leave it until the last moment. The best thing you can do is come to us early and our Animal Services staff can work through a solution with you,” Cavanagh said.