Meeting/Workshop Agendas


📄 Click here to view Meeting/Workshop Agendas

▶️ Click here to view meeting livestreams


Council meetings, Workshops and Hearings Panel hearings are held in the Council Chambers located in the Victoria Room, Civic Theatre, 88 Tay Street, with meetings starting normally at 2pm and Workshops and Hearings starting at different times depending on the need.


The Bluff Community Board meets in the Bluff Municipal Chambers, Gore Street (normally at 7pm).

Agendas become available on this page two working days before the meetings (on a Thursday for a Tuesday meeting).


Full year meeting schedule

This Schedule is adopted by Council each year and sets out the expected meeting dates for the year. It does not include Workshops or Hearings.

Please note: meeting times and dates are subject to change and will be notified here.

At the Meeting

Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend all Council meetings. Only elected members of Council and Mana Whenua Representatives as well as those invited to speak to agenda items have speaking rights.


Attending Public Forum

Public forum is your chance to address the Council on a matter that might be concerning you, you want Council to know about, you wish to update Council about a project or matter or simply anything you feel you need to raise with Council at a Meeting.

Applications to speak at a public forum, with a summary of the topic, must be lodged in writing with the Chief Executive not less than two working days before the meeting (Thursday for a Tuesday meeting)

The request can be emailed to the Council’s Governance and Legal Team on phone: 032111777 or delivered to Te Hīanki – Civic Building or the Bluff Service Centre.


The Chief Executive, in consultation with the Mayor or chairperson, is authorised to waive notice provided that:

  • The application is specifically related to an agenda item included for debate, and
  • The application, and the summary of the topic, is made before noon on the day of the meeting.

NOTE: When speaking to Council you will be limited to 10 minutes (five minutes to speak and five minutes for questions for clarification by Councillors); the Mayor or chairperson may choose to extend the time limit. The Mayor or chairperson may refuse applications which are repetitious or offensive, or where the Mayor or chairperson has a reason to believe that the statements have been made with malice.


Long-term Plan 2024-2034

Submission hearings and Council workshops for the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 have also been livestreamed. These can be viewed by clicking the link below:

View Long-term Plan Livestreams

For more information on the Long-term Plan, go to our Let’s Talk Invercargill page


All workshops will be listed here including the topic and if the recommendation is for the workshop to be held in public or public excluded.


Live Stream Links

Please note: Livestreaming will begin approximately 2 minutes before the start of the scheduled meeting

View Livestream   Archived Livestreams


Meeting Schedule