Youth Council

The Invercargill City Youth Council exists to give rangatahi/young people a voice in the realm of local government.

The group is made of up to 25 rangatahi ranging from 12 – 24 years old who meet formally once a month and run projects in between. Members learn about the function of Council, inform Council on youth issues, initiate committees, engage the youth of Invercargill, and – most importantly – build new friendships and have fun!

Applications for the 2023 Youth Council are now closed, but if you want a chance to have your say head to or if you know of a young person who is keen to join, look out for applications around October.


Joining the Youth Council

If you are aged between 12 and 24 years, are interested in engaging in the Council decision-making processes and wish to increase the Council’s understanding of young people’s perspectives and needs, this opportunity might be for you.

Our recruitment process opens towards the end of the year and involves applications from school nominees as well as members from the community.

You need to live, work or study in the Invercargill City area and be available for meetings on Wednesdays from 4pm.

If you would like more information you can get in touch by phoning 03 2111 798 or 021 678 181, or email 



Youth-related websites