Southland’s first woman architect to be showcased in exhibition

The work of Southland’s first registered woman architect will be showcased at He Waka Tuia’s upcoming exhibition. Monica Barham: So You’re Building: You and the Architect, exhibition champions the contribution Barham has made to art and architecture across Invercargill and New Zealand. Exhibition Collaborator, Architect Megan Rule said Barham was a world-class architect, who had […]

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He Waka Tuia exhibition Seen/Scene captures Southland’s LGBTQIA+ community

Southland’s Rainbow community is being recognised in He Waka Tuia’s latest exhibition, Seen/Scene. Wellington art photographer Adrienne Martyn was commissioned to photograph 41 people from the Southland LGBTQIA+ community specifically for the exhibition. The idea for the exhibition came about following a movement beginning in 1989 called Day Without Art, an international response to the […]

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Configure: HOME – “tender and delightful”

Configure: HOME has seen the space at He Waka Tuia on Don St transformed into a paeon of the female form and the rich, oft-forgotten inner life women both enjoy and endure. Configure: Home is the fourth in a series of exhibitions that began with a simple premise – to examine the relationships between feminist […]

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