Annual Plan

Annual Plans are produced in the two years between the adoptions of Long-Term Plans. The Annual Plan implements the Long-Term Plan and provides a budget for the next financial year to achieve this. The Annual Plan also explains variations between the two documents.

Annual Plan 2023 – 2024

Annual Plan 2022 – 2023

Annual Plan 2021 – 2022

Annual Plan 2020- 2021

The 2020/2021 Annual Plan was adopted on 9 June 2020

Annual Plan 2019-2020

The 2019-2020 Annual Plan was adopted on 27 June 2019

Annual Plan 2017-2018

The 2017-2018 Plan was adopted on 23 May 2017.

NOTE: The 2015-2025 Long-Term Plan is available on this page.

Annual Plan 2016-2017

The 2016-2017 Annual Plan was adopted on June 14, 2016.

Annual Plan 2014-2015

The 2014-2015 Annual Plan was adopted on  June 17, 2014. It is available as a 35MB file  – Annual Plan complete – or split into the following sections:

Council Activity and Performance

Organisational Performance Reports are produced every quarter.

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Long-term Plan 2024 – 2034

The Long-term Plan outline Council’s vision, community outcomes it aims to achieve, its work programme and budgets for the next 10 years. Learn more about the Long-term Plan 2024–2034: Long-term Plan 2024-2034 To know more about the consultation that we held, please see: Our Roadmap, Our People Curious about the previous long-term plans? Long-term Plan […]

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The Council is required by law to consult with residents and ratepayers about certain aspects of its business. This page contains details about current consultations

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Annual Plan

Annual Plans are produced in the two years between the adoptions of Long Term Plans (LTPs).

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