Southland Heritage and Building Preservation Trust

Who can apply?

Owners of registered historic buildings (Heritage New Zealand listed or identified as ‘Locally Significant’ in a District Plan) within Southland.

Funding criteria

Funding is in the form of low interest, secured loans for the purpose of assisting owners to manage, maintain, or preserve their registered historic building.

The Trust will give preference to assisting with the restoration or strengthening of the building.  Assistance may be given for refurbishing in cases where the Trust is satisfied that the work will encourage uses of the building that are likely to ensure its conservation and preservation.  Ordinary maintenance will not normally be eligible for assistance.

How and when to apply

Download the Application Guidelines HERE and Application Form HERE.

Application are accepted throughout the year, but decisions are made quarterly.

Completed forms should be returned to:

The Secretary

Andrea Hyde

Southland Heritage & Building Preservation Trust

Private Bag 90116

Invercargill 9840

If you have any questions please contact Andrea Hyde at or (03) 211 5115.