Rating Valuations

Councils are required to carry out rating valuations on all New Zealand properties every three years. They are not intended to be used for any other purpose beside helping councils fairly allocate rates, including raising finance with banks or insurance valuations.


Where can I see my valuation?

You can search your current valuation on the QV website: Property Search [qv.co.nz] or you can view through Rates Online, if you are registered. Register here


How are the valuations calculated?

Rating valuations are calculated using mass appraisal techniques. Mass appraisal valuations are used for all rating valuations in New Zealand and globally. When the value of your property is assessed the factors considered include the following:

  • What properties are selling and renting for in your neighbourhood.
  • The type of property, e.g. house, flat, dairy farm, shop, etc.
  • Information in the District Valuation Roll, which contains the valuation details of individual properties in the Invercargill area.
  • Information about industrial and commercial rental trends obtained from market surveys.


What do Capital Value, Land Value and Value of Improvements mean?

  • Capital value: The assessment of the most likely selling price had the property been sold on 1 July 2023.
  • Land value: The assessment of the probable price that would have been paid for the bare land as at 1 July 2023. It includes development work such as drainage, retaining walls and leveling, but disregards any buildings or other improvements to the property.
  • Improvement value: Improvements add value to the land i.e. buildings, drives, paths, fencing etc. Improvement value is the difference between capital value and land value.


Do these values reflect market value?

Capital value is an estimate of market value of the property as at 1 July 2023. Council valuations are used for setting rates and as such, they are not intended for other purposes such as for marketing or for mortgages.


What is the difference between capital value and market value?

Capital value is the probable price that would have been paid for the property at the date of the valuation (1 July 2023) excluding chattels. Market value is the probable price that would have been paid for the property at any given date, depending on market factors.


What is QV’s role?

QV (Quotable Value) has been contracted by the Council to conduct the revaluation and maintenance work due to subdivision/building consent. QV works closely with LINZ regarding methodology and revaluation results. QV will also handle objections from ratepayers who dispute their valuations.


What is the Valuer-General’s role?

The Valuer-General audits rating valuations to ensure the values and processes undertaken meet the standards set out in the rating valuations rules. The Valuer General’s office checks the data and undertakes an audit of the council’s revaluation process to ensure its robustness and that it meets all legal requirements. The Valuer General’s approval is required before the values can be published and used for rating purposes.


Can I object to the valuation?

Yes, you have six weeks (30 working days) to object beginning from the date valuations were publicly notified. To object due to maintenance work between revaluations is 20 working days.

You can make an objection online, or by personal letter and posting to QV. Whichever way you make an objection; you’ll need to include these details:

  • The valuation reference number
  • The address of the property you’re objecting about
  • A daytime contact telephone number
  • Your postal address
  • Your reason for objecting
  • An estimate of what you believe is the true value of the property

NOTE: Use this link to make an online objection.


When and how will rates be affected?

The 2024–2025 rates are based on the 2023 revaluation starting on 1 July each year.

Visit the rates page to search for your property. 


What is the connection between rates and valuation?

Council rating valuations are one component in determining what portion of the city’s total rates you will pay. The total rates revenue that is required is set each year through Council’s annual planning process, which goes through public consultation.

This total is then apportioned across ratepayers using a combination of factors, including the value of your property.


My house has gone up in value; does this mean my rates are going to go up?

Not necessarily. Change in your capital value does not automatically mean that your rates will increase or decrease because of that change.

The amount of rates that you pay will depend on a number of factors based on the Council’s rating policy.

Details on Council’s rating policy can be found in the Long-term Plan 2021–2031 (see Rating policy, page 137).


How can I update/correct details about my property on QV?

You can submit updated details for your property shown on the QV website.

  1. Search for your property using the Property Search on QV: Property Search (QV.co.nz)
  2. Under ‘Valuation Details’, click ‘Update Property Details’.
  3. Update your desired fields. You can also add plans and photos. When you are ready click submit.
  4. QV will review your submitted amendments and update them if accepted.


Related QV website links